参考:To Retrieve All Metadata in a File
IWMHeaderInfo3::GetAttributeByIndexEx method
ID3 Tag Support
#include <stdio.h> //printf とかで必要 #include <wmsdk.h> //HRESULT とかで必要 using namespace System;//Console::ReadLine()で必要 #pragma comment(lib, "wmvcore.lib") //IWMMetadataEditor とかで必要 #ifndef GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED #define GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr) if(FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; #endif #ifndef SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE #define SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE(x) \ if(x != NULL) \ { \ delete[] x; \ x = NULL; \ } #endif void main(){ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWMMetadataEditor * pEditor = NULL; IWMHeaderInfo3 * pHeaderInfo = NULL; hr = WMCreateEditor(&pEditor); hr = pEditor->Open(L"G:\\sampleMovie\\Amanda.wma"); hr = pEditor->QueryInterface(IID_IWMHeaderInfo, (void**) &pHeaderInfo); WORD cAttributes = 0; WCHAR* pwszName = NULL; WORD cchName = 0; BYTE* pbValue = NULL; DWORD cbValue = 0; WORD langIndex = 0; WORD attIndex = 0; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE attType; // Get the total number of attributes in the file. //ファイルの属性の総数を取得します。 hr = pHeaderInfo->GetAttributeCountEx(0xFFFF, &cAttributes); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr); // Loop through all the attributes, retrieving and displaying each. //すべての属性をループし取得表示 for(attIndex = 0; attIndex < cAttributes; attIndex++) { //printf("%d 回目\r\n ", attIndex); // Get the required buffer lengths for the name and value. //名前と値のために必要なバッファ長を取得します。 hr = pHeaderInfo->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0xFFFF, attIndex, NULL, &cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbValue); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr); // Allocate the buffers. //バッファを割り当てる。属性名 pwszName = new WCHAR[cchName]; //WCHAR *pbValue = (WCHAR *) new BYTE[ cbValue ]; //pwszName = (WCHAR *) new BYTE[ cchName ]; if(pwszName == NULL) { printf("割り当て失敗\r\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } ////属性の値 pbValue = new BYTE[cbValue]; if(pbValue == NULL) { printf("割り当て失敗\r\n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } ////属性を取得します。 hr = pHeaderInfo->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0xFFFF, attIndex, pwszName, &cchName, &attType, &langIndex, pbValue, &cbValue); GOTO_EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr); // Display the attribute global index and name. //表示 属性のグローバルインデックスと名前 printf("%3d - %S (Language %d):\n\t ", attIndex, pwszName, langIndex); // Display the attribute depending upon type. // 属性のタイプ別に表示 switch(attType) { case WMT_TYPE_DWORD: case WMT_TYPE_QWORD: case WMT_TYPE_WORD: printf("%d\n\n", (DWORD) *pbValue); break; case WMT_TYPE_STRING: printf("%S\n\n", (WCHAR*) pbValue); break; case WMT_TYPE_BINARY: printf("<binary value>\n\n"); break; case WMT_TYPE_BOOL: printf("%s\n\n", ((BOOL) *pbValue == TRUE) ? "True" : "False"); break; case WMT_TYPE_GUID: printf("<GUID value>\n\n", (DWORD) *pbValue); break; } // Release allocated memory for the next pass. //次のために、割り当てられたメモリを解放 SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE(pwszName); SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE(pbValue); cchName = 0; cbValue = 0; }// for ループ終了 Exit: SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE(pwszName); SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE(pbValue); Console::ReadLine();//入力待-ウインドウ維持 return ; }
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